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They say Kenya is where safari began, so if you really want to enjoy an authentic Africa safari then this is where you should go. Kenya has remained one of the top African safari destinations for centuries. Tourists troop into Kenya in mass every other year to explore the wild game in Kenya at close proximity. One of the major attractions is the ‘Big Five” – which refers to the lion, elephant, rhinos, leopard and buffaloes. Kenya tours and safaris are nothing but memorable adventure.

There are many packages that you can purchase starting from 3 to 6 day Kenya luxury Safaris, all the way to 7 to 9 days Kenya Lodge Safaris. These safaris will let you visit many of Kenya’s famous game parks, as well as their lakes and mountains. You can opt for romantic or even just simple colonial-inspired safari lodges. You get to experience the open plains of the Masai Mara and if you arrive at the right time of the year you can take in the annual migration of wildebeest & zebra.

Kenya tours and safaris provide the opportunity to see these stunning creatures in their natural habitats. Each of the eight regions in Kenya is responsible for a particular type of safari which includes game reserves, open plains, wilderness, and dense forests.

You can also visit Lake Nakuru where you will find thousands flamingos as well as see the swamps of Amboseli which is a network of wetlands that make game viewing possible throughout the year. You are guaranteed to have at least one sighting of each of the big 5, most likely you will have more than one.

Quick Information About Kenya


Kenya lies astride the equator in Eastern Africa. It has boarder with Uganda, Somalia, Tanzania and the Indian Ocean.


Kenya has a total area of 582,650 sq kilometers (13,400 sq kilometers covered by water mainly Lake Turkana and Lake Victoria

Major Cities

Mombasa (the principal seaport)
Kisumu, (chief port on Lake Victoria)
Nakuru (a commercial and manufacturingcenter in the Eastern Rift Valley) Eldoret (an industrial center in western Kenya)


Kenya’s land area constitutes of an inland region of semi-arid, bush-covered plains. In the Northwest, high-lying scrublands straddle Lake Turkana and the Kulal Mountains. There lie fertile    grasslands and forests of the Kenya Highlands in the southwest, known for its agricultural productivity in Africa. Kenya has a great Rift Valley which is located in the country’s highest mountains of mountain Kenya a snow-capped that make up to 5,199 meters high and here being the second highest in Africa. In the south, mountain plains descend westward to the shores of Lake Victoria.


Kenya’s climate varies from tropical along the coast to arid in the interior, especially in the north and northeast. Intermittent droughts affect most of the country.  The driest month is August, with 24 millimeters average rainfall, and the wettest is April, the period of “long rains,” The hottest month is February, with temperatures of 13°C to 28°C, and the with temperatures of 11°C to 23°C.

People & Culture

People of African descent make up about 97%t of the    population and divided into about 40 ethnic     groups belonging to three linguistic families: Bantu, Cushitic, and Nilotic. Bantu-speaking Kenyans compose to western (Luhya), highlands (including the Kikuyu and the Kamba), and coastal (Mijikenda) Bantu. The Nilotic speakers are the river-lake (Luo), highlands    (Kalenjin), and plains or eastern (Masai). The Cushitic-speaking groups are the Oromo and Somali. The Kikuyu make up 22% of the population compose to Kenya’s     largest ethnic group followed by the Luhya (14 %), Luo (13%), Kalenjin (12%), and Kamba (11%).    Additional groups include the Kisii (6%), Meru (6%), and other African (15%). Small numbers of people of Indian, Pakistani, and European descent live in the interior, and there are some Arabs along the coast. The official languages of Kenya are Swahili and English; many indigenous languages from the three language families also are spoken.

Important Things to Know

Kenya’s climate is characterized by cool nights and warm days all year round. Temperature during the day-time is between 770 and 860 Fahrenheit. However, when the weather turns extremely hot in February and March, the temperature will skyrocket to 93F and will come down to 50 F as the cool season is ushered in.

Finally, keep safety in mind as you plan your Kenya tours and safaris trip. This includes safety while viewing the animals and safety in terms of possible violence from the locals.