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4 Tips to Prep Your Camping Safari

Camping in Africa

Camping is one of the outdoor activities for the adventurous and most times it’s to embrace nature, however you need to prepare in order to make it memorable and a good experience. Would you like to go camping on your next Africa tour? Camping can be challenging if you are not aware of what to do or not but with simple basic tips it can be fun filled.

Here are the tips to help you enjoy a camping safari in Africa;

  1. Before campsite
  • The most important tip is to research and find necessary information about the place or destination to camp. You must be in the know of uncertainties, is there running water at the campsite, enough space, sand how safe the site is.
  • Buy the camping gear and test it, in case you are traveling with your own camping items, you need to test their functionality and If they will serve the intended purpose. The mistake most campers do is not trying out setting the camp before, don’t do that, you may end up being disappointed.

Keep it simple but comfortable. And in case you’re getting the camping gear at the site its better it matches your expectations and one that blends with nature.

  • Keep the group small of about 6 people and important is for each to carry a personal camp tent which is easy to set up than a big tent of 6 -10 people. You will also not find trouble finding a flat landscape setting up a small tent than a big Tent.
  • Find out the likely dangers especially If you are going into the wilderness. Wild animals are not harm to humans if not disturbed but a gain you need to prepare mentally for the unforeseen emergencies
  • It is a very important aspect if you are planning camping, you must have the essentials and some of the things on the check list are soap, tooth paste and brush, beddings such as warm blankets, don’t under estimate the weather, rain coats and jacket, sandals, wet wipes, hand sanitizers or easy shoes insect repellent, power back, a portable lantern or lighting touch, ear plugs, comfortable chairs easy to fold. Also don’t forget first aid kit, camping Mat, thermal cover and many others.
  • Carry your own lighter for camp fire, and make sure to manage the spread of wild fires. Lighter is most often underestimated but trust me once you forget it your experience may be inconvenienced.
  • Be prepared for rain and pack enough rain gear, make sure the camping tents have no leakages and its water proof before departure you may also consider having a portable hoe to clear drainage among others. To be on a safe side it’s important to carry an extra bag or tarpaulin. Don’t ignore the weather, it could rain any time despite being the dry season so you need to be prepared in advance. Warm clothes are more recommended because in the night temperatures tend to drop in the night.
  • Cooking Check list, life continues and the body needs to be fed. while planning for camping, think of the food easy to prepare during camping. Remember you are limited to accessing your cooking items therefore remember to pack enough disposable cups and plates. Cutlery, match box, portable gas cylinder and many others. You will also need to pack foods such as rice, noodles, spaghetti, powdered milk, biscuits, snacks, sugar, salt, tomato paste, cooking oil, bottled water etc. The important tip here is to plan meal plan before hand, this will guide on how much quantity you will need for survival.
  • Carry a disposable garbage bag for all the waste. This helps to keep safe and the surrounding tidy.
  • You also need a small hand back packers’ bag not 13 kgs easy to carry in case you may need to relocate.
  1. At the campsite
  • Make sure to check and clear the ground before you set up the camp tent. This is to ensure you get away with unwanted sharp objects if any and bushes around for comfort. When setting your tent make sure it doesn’t face where the wind comes from. Another important tip is to set the camping tent before its dark.
  • In case its raining or threatens to rain while there, keep beddings and other Important items and documents from the walls of the tent to avoid destruction and leakage.
  • While at the camp site, make friends with other campers this makes it an enjoyable experience being in the company of others.
  • If you choose to set your camp in the wild, avoid near water bodies. Predators and other dangerous animals may turn you int their next meal. These include Hippos, and Crocodiles that like resting near the shores.
  • Do not leave any food left overs, keep the camping site tidy and clean. collect all un washed plates, fruits outside the camp tent and must not put them in the same tent you sleep in. You may also need to get a cover for your vehicle. This helps wild animals keep safe and same some animals like elephants have a strong smell and may attract them for destruction.
  • Managing your campfire is one of the essential which many campers may not be aware about. You need to Create a fire circle ring with stones so that the fire doesn’t spread. In addition, keep water close of an emergency. Most wild fires in the camp site are a result of negligence.
  1. Stay in the company of your fellows, don’t not roam around in the wild alone without a ranger guide. Wild animals are potentially dangerous and may attack where least expected.
  • Let your tent air dry before you fold it in the morning, this will stop it from molding and smelling bad for your next use.
  • Don’t camp in one place more than one night, nature gets destroyed easily it better to keep changing location. This helps to preserve eco-system.
  1. The last important ethical tip is not to destroy nature, keep no trace of litter. Much as you are camping in the wild, endeavor to leave the place as it was found, don’t know destroy trees, feed wild animals, or litter rubbish everywhere. Pack every thing that may pollute the environment and dispose od at the designated places.

After successfully highlighting the important tips for camping on a safari, we wish you the very best.



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